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- Abercrombie
- Aberdeen District
- Abernethy
- Adair
- Adam
- Agnew Ancient
- Agnew Modern
- Aikenhead
- Ainslie
- Aiton
- Alexander
- Alexander of Menstry
- Alexander of Menstry Dress
- Alexander of Menstry Hunting
- Allardice
- Allison
- Allison Red
- Anderson
- Anderson Ancient
- Anderson Dress
- Anderson Modern
- Anderson of Arbrake
- Anstruther
- Arbuthnot
- Arbuthnot Ancient
- Arbuthnot Modern
- Armstrong
- Armstrong Ancient
- Armstrong Modern
- Arnott
- Auchinleck
- Austin
- Antrim
- Armagh
- Baillie Dress
- Baillie Modern
- Bain
- Baird
- Baird Ancient
- Baird Dress
- Baird Modern
- Balfour Blue
- Balfour Modern
- Bannatyne
- Bannerman
- Barclay
- Barclay Dress
- Barclay Dress Modern
- Barclay Hunting Ancient
- Baxter
- Baxter Modern
- Bell
- Belshes
- Bethune
- Beveridge
- Binning
- Bisset
- Black Watch
- Black Watch Ancient
- Black Watch Modern
- Blackadder
- Blair
- Blair Dress
- Blair Modern
- Blane
- Blyth
- Borthwick
- Boswell
- Bowie Ancient
- Boyd Modern
- Boyle
- Brisbane modern
- Brodie
- Brodie Dress
- Brodie Hunting
- Brodie Hunting Modern
- Brodie Modern
- Broun Modern
- Bruce
- Bruce Ancient
- Bruce Hunting
- Bruce Modern
- Bruce Old
- Bryson
- Buchan Ancient
- Buchan Modern
- Buchanan
- Buchanan Ancient
- Buchanan Dress
- Buchanan Hunting
- Buchanan Modern
- Buchanan Old Dress
- Buchanan Old Set Weathered
- Burnett Ancient
- Burnett Modern
- Burns
- Burns Check
- Butter
- Byres (Byses)
- Cairns
- Calder Modern
- Callander Modern
- Cameron
- Cameron Black and Red
- Cameron Hunting
- Cameron Modern
- Cameron of Erracht Ancient
- Cameron of Erracht Dress
- Cameron of Erracht Modern
- Cameron of Erracht Weathered
- Cameron of Locheil
- Cameron of Lochiel Ancient
- Cameron of Lochiel Hunting
- Cameron of Lochiel Modern
- Campbell Ancient #01
- Campbell Ancient #02
- Campbell Argyll Ancient
- Campbell Argyll Modern
- Campbell Argyll Weathered
- Campbell Dress
- Campbell Dress Ancient
- Campbell Modern
- Campbell of Argyll #01
- Campbell of Argyll #02
- Campbell of Breadalbane
- Campbell of Breadalbane Ancient
- Campbell of Breadalbane Modern
- Campbell of Cawdor
- Campbell of Cawdor Ancient
- Campbell of Cawdor Dress
- Campbell of Cawdor Modern
- Carmichael
- Carmichael Ancient
- Carmichael Modern
- Carnegie
- Carnegie Ancient
- Carnegie Dress
- Carnegie Modern
- Carruthers
- Cathcart
- Chalmers Modern
- Charteris
- Chattan
- Cheyne
- Chisholm
- Chisholm Ancient
- Chisholm Hunting
- Chisholm Hunting Ancient
- Chisholm Hunting Modern
- Chisholm Modern
- Christie
- Cian
- Clark
- Clark Ancient
- Clark Red
- Clayton
- Clelland Modern
- Clephan
- Clergy Blue
- Clergy Grey
- Cochrane
- Cochrane Ancient
- Cochrane Hunting
- Cochrane Modern
- Cockburn
- Cockburn Ancient
- Cockburn Blue
- Cockburn Modern
- Colquhoun
- Colquhoun Ancient
- Colquhoun Dress
- Colquhoun Modern
- Colville
- Congilton
- Connolly Dress
- Connolly Hunting
- Conquergood
- Cooper
- Copeland
- Craig
- Craig Ancient
- Cranston
- Cranstoun
- Crawford
- Crawford Ancient
- Crawford Modern
- Crichton
- Crosbie
- Crozier
- Cumming
- Cumming Hunting
- Cumming Hunting Ancient
- Cumming Hunting Modern
- Cumming Hunting Weathered
- Cumming Modern
- Cunningham
- Cunningham Dress
- Cunningham Hunting
- Cunningham Hunting Modern
- Cunningham Modern
- Currie
- Carlow
- Cavan
- Clare
- Cork
- Dalmahoy
- Dalrymple
- Dalzell (Dalziel)
- Darroch
- Davidson
- Davidson Ancient
- Davidson Modern
- Davidson of Tulloch
- Davidson of Tulloch Dress
- Deas
- Dennistoun
- Denny Hunting
- Dewar
- Dick
- Don
- Donachie
- Donachie of Brockloch
- Donachie of Brockloch Ancient Hunting
- Donachie of Brockloch Hunting
- Donnachaidh
- Dorward Dogwood
- Douglas
- Douglas Ancient
- Douglas Ancient Dress
- Douglas Ancient Red
- Douglas Black
- Douglas Brown
- Douglas Green
- Douglas Grey
- Douglas Grey Modern
- Douglas Modern
- Drummond
- Drummond Ancient
- Drummond Grey
- Drummond Modern
- Drummond of Perth
- Drummond of Perth Dress
- Drummond of Strathallan
- Drummond of Strathallan Modern
- Dunbar
- Dunbar Ancient
- Dunbar Hunting
- Dunbar Modern
- Duncan
- Duncan Ancient
- Duncan Modern
- Dundas
- Dundas Modern
- Dundas Red
- Dunlop
- Dunlop Hunting
- Dunlop Modern
- Durie
- Dyce
- Donegal
- Down
- Dublin
- Edmonstone
- Elliot
- Elliot Ancient
- Elliot Modern
- Elphinstone
- Erskine
- Erskine Black and White
- Erskine Green
- Erskine Modern
- Erskine Red
- Ewing
- Fairlie Modern
- Falconer
- Farquharson
- Farquharson Ancient
- Farquharson Dress
- Farquharson Modern
- Farquharson Weathered
- Fenton
- Ferguson Ancient
- Ferguson Dress
- Ferguson Modern
- Ferguson of Atholl
- Ferguson Weathered
- Fergusson Ancient
- Fiddes
- Fitzgerald Family
- Fitzgerald Hunting
- Fitzpatrick Hunting
- Fitzsimmons
- Fleming
- Fletcher
- Fletcher Ancient
- Fletcher Modern
- Fletcher of Dunans
- Flower Of Scotland
- Forbes
- Forbes Ancient
- Forbes Dress
- Forbes Modern
- Forrester
- Forrester or Foster
- Forrester or Foster Hunting
- Forsyth
- Forsyth Ancient
- Forsyth Modern
- Fotheringham Modern
- Frame
- Fraser
- Fraser Ancient
- Fraser Dress
- Fraser Hunting
- Fraser Hunting Ancient
- Fraser Hunting Dress
- Fraser Hunting Modern
- Fraser Modern
- Fraser of Lovat
- Fraser Red Dress
- Fraser Weathered
- Fraser Yellow
- Fullerton
- Fermanagh
- Galbraith
- Galbraith Ancient
- Galbraith Modern
- Galloway
- Galloway Red
- Garden
- Gartshore
- Gayre
- Gayre Dress
- Gayre Hunting
- Ged
- Geddes
- Gibsone (Gibson-Gibbs)
- Gladstone
- Glass
- Glen
- Glencoe
- Glendinning
- Gordon
- Gordon Ancient
- Gordon Dress
- Gordon Dress Ancient
- Gordon Dress Modern
- Gordon Modern
- Gordon Old Ancient
- Gordon Red
- Gordon Weathered
- Gow
- Gow Hunting
- Gow Modern
- Gow of Skeoch
- Graham
- Graham Dress
- Graham of Menteith
- Graham of Menteith Ancient
- Graham of Menteith Modern
- Graham of Menteith Red
- Graham of Menteith Weathered
- Graham of Montrose
- Graham of Montrose Ancient
- Graham of Montrose Modern
- Grant
- Grant Ancient
- Grant Modern
- Grant Weathered
- Gray
- Gray Hunting
- Grierson
- Gunn
- Gunn Ancient
- Gunn Logan
- Gunn Modern
- Gunn Weathered
- Guthrie
- Guthrie Ancient
- Guthrie Modern
- Gwynn
- Galway
- Haig
- Haldane
- Haliburton
- Halkerston
- Halkett
- Hall
- Hamilton
- Hamilton Ancient
- Hamilton Green Hunting
- Hamilton Hunting
- Hamilton Hunting Ancient
- Hamilton Hunting Modern
- Hamilton Modern
- Hamilton Red
- Hannay Blue
- Hannay Dress
- Hannay Modern
- Hart of Scotland
- Hay
- Hay Ancient
- Hay Hunting
- Hay Modern
- Hay White Dress
- Henderson Ancient
- Henderson Dress
- Henderson Modern
- Hepburn
- Heron
- Hogg
- Home (Hume)
- Home Ancient
- Home Modern
- Hope (Vere-Weir)
- Hope Ancient
- Hope Clan Originaux
- Hope Modern
- Hope Vere
- Hopkirk
- Horsburgh
- Houston
- Hughes
- Hunter Ancient
- Hunter Modern
- Hunter of Hunterston
- Hunter of Peebleshire
- Hunter USA
- Hyndman
- Howell of Wales
- Hughes of Wales
- Inglis Ancient
- Inglis Modern
- Innes
- Innes Ancient
- Innes Dress
- Innes Hunting
- Innes Modern
- Irvine Ancient
- Irvine of Bonshaw
- Irvine of Drum
- Ireland National
- Jamieson
- Jardine
- Jardine Dress
- Jardine Modern
- Johnstone-Johnston
- Johnstone-Johnston Ancient
- Johnstone-Johnston Modern
- Jones
- James of Wales
- Jenkins of Wales
- Jones of Wales
- Keith
- Keith Ancient
- Keith Modern
- Kelly Dress
- Kelly of Sleat Hunting
- Kelly of Sleat Red
- Kennedy
- Kennedy Ancient
- Kennedy Modern
- Kennedy Weathered
- Kerr
- Kerr Ancient
- Kerr Hunting
- Kerr Modern
- Kerry
- Kidd
- Killen
- Kincaid
- Kincaid Modern
- Kinloch
- Kinnaird
- Kinnear
- Kinninmont
- Kirk
- Kirkaldy
- Kirkpatrick
- Kyle
- Kyle Green