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When it comes to celebrating the New Year, Scotland holds a unique and vibrant tradition that dates back centuries. Known as Hogmanay, the Scottish New Year celebration is a time for festive gatherings, customs steeped in history, and heartfelt wishes for prosperity in the coming year. If you've ever wondered “How to say Happy New Year in Scottish” or want to immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Hogmanay, this guide is for you.
I. What Is Hogmanay? The History of Scotland's New Year Tradition
Hogmanay, derived from French or Norse influences, is Scotland's grand New Year celebration, far surpassing Christmas in historical significance. Until Christmas became a public holiday in 1958, Hogmanay was the central winter holiday for Scots. It features customs like first-footing, singing "Auld Lang Syne," and communal feasting.

The meaning of Hogmanay can be traced back to ancient Celtic Winter Solstice festivals and Viking celebrations of Yule. Over the centuries, Hogmanay became a blend of pagan, Norse, and Christian influences, giving birth to unique traditions that are still practiced today.
II. How to Say Happy New Year in Scottish This Hogmanay
A. Happy New Year in Scottish Gaelic: The Basic Phrase
Celebrating the New Year in Scotland becomes more meaningful when you know how to say Happy New Year in Scottish Gaelic. This expression reflects the warmth and goodwill of Hogmanay, connecting you to Scotland's rich cultural traditions.

1. Bliadhna Mhath Ùr
Pronunciation: [Blee-ah-nuh vah oor]
This means: "Happy New Year"
2. Tàladh na Bliadhna Mhath!
Pronunciation: [Taw-luh na Blee-an-na vah]
This translates: "Welcome to the Good Year!"
3. Fàilte do bhliadhna ùr!
Pronunciation: [Fall-tuh duh vleena oor]
This phrase means: "Welcome to the new year!"
4. Bliadhna Mhath Ùr dhuibh
Pronunciation: [Blee-an-na vah oor heeve]
This means: "Good New Year to you all,"
5. Sreath-bhliadhna Mhath!
Pronunciation: [Srayv leena vah]
This means: "A prosperous new year!"
6. Gum bi do bheatha làn de dh'fhaireach!
Pronunciation: [Gum bee doh vay-ha laan de d'vy-reh-akh!]
Meaning: "May your life be full of strength!"
7. Gum bi spòrs agus fèis leughaidh!
Pronunciation: [Gum bee spors ah-gus faysh leew-ikh!]
Meaning: "May there be fun and celebration!"
8. Gu Bliadhna Mhath Ùr! Gum fuirich thu ann an shìth!
Pronunciation: [Goo Blee-an-na vah oor! Gum foo-rikh tu an nah shee!]
Meaning: "Happy New Year! May you stay in peace!"
9. Bliadhna Mhath Ùr dhut is do theaghlach!
Pronunciation: [Blee-uh-nuh Va Oohr ghut iss do hyow-lukh]
Meaning:"Happy New Year to you and your family!"
10. Gu robh bliadhna ùr sona is soirbheachail agad!
Pronunciation: [Goo roh blee-uh-nuh oohr soh-nuh iss sor-vah-khul ah-kut]
Meaning: "May you have a happy and successful New Year!"
11. Bliadhna Mhath Ùr le slàinte is beairteas!
Pronunciation: [Blee-uh-nuh Va Oohr leh slahn-chuh iss berr-tyass]
Meaning:"Happy New Year with health and wealth!"
12. Tha mi a’ guidhe gach deagh dhùrachd dhut anns a’ bhliadhna ùr!
Pronunciation: [Ha mee uh ghee-uh gakh joogh ghur-ukh ghut ahns uh vlee-uh-nuh oohr]
Meaning:"I wish you all the best in the New Year!"
13. Gur math a thèid leat anns a’ bhliadhna ùr!
Pronunciation: [Goor mah uh haych lyaht ahns uh vlee-uh-nuh oohr]
Meaning:"May it go well with you in the New Year!"
14. Lìonadh a’ bhliadhna ùr do bheatha le gàirdeachas is gràdh!
Pronunciation: [Lee-uh-nuh uh vlee-uh-nuh oohr doh veh-uh luh gar-jukh-uss iss grah]
Meaning: "May the New Year fill your life with joy and love!"

15. Gach soirbheachas agus sonas anns a’ bhliadhna ùr!
Pronunciation: [Gakh sor-vah-khuss ah-guss soh-nass ahns uh vlee-uh-nuh oohr]
Meaning:"Every success and happiness in the New Year!"
16. Gun tig deagh fhortan nad rathad am-bliadhna!
Pronunciation: [Goon chig joogh hor-tuhn nuhd rah-hut am-vlee-uh-nuh]
Meaning: "May good fortune come your way this year!"
17. Slàinte mhòr agus beannachdan air thoiseach dhut am-bliadhna!
Pronunciation: [Slahn-chuh vor ah-guss byan-ak-tun air hoss-ukh ghut am-vlee-uh-nuh]
Meaning:"Great health and blessings ahead for you this year!"
18. Soirbheachadh gun chrìoch dhut anns a’ bhliadhna ùr!
Pronunciation: [Sor-vah-khukh goon khree-ukh ghut ahns uh vlee-uh-nuh oohr]
Meaning: "Endless success to you in the New Year!"
19. Gum bi do chridhe làn aoibhneas am-bliadhna!
Pronunciation: [Goom bee doh khree-yuh lahn ooyv-nyass am-vlee-uh-nuh]
Meaning: "May your heart be full of joy this year!"
20. Gur math a thèid leat is leis na daoine as fheàrr leat!
Pronunciation: [Goor mah uh haych lyaht iss lesh nuh doo-nyuh ass err lyaht]
Meaning: "May it go well for you and those you love most!"
21. Lìonadh do làithean le solas agus do oidhchean le sìth anns a’ bhliadhna ùr!
Pronunciation: [Lee-uh-nuh doh lah-uhn leh soh-luss ah-guss doh oy-khuhn leh shee ahns uh vlee-uh-nuh oohr]
Meaning: "May your days be filled with light and your nights with peace in the New Year!"
22. Gum meal thu na làithean sona a tha romhainn!
Pronunciation: [Goom mee-uhl oo nuh lah-uhn soh-nuh uh ha row-en]
Meaning: "May you enjoy the happy days ahead!"
23. Bliadhna Mhath Ùr le soirbheachadh is sìth nad bheatha!
Pronunciation: [Blee-uh-nuh Va Oohr leh sor-vah-khukh iss shee nuhd veh-uh]
Meaning: "Happy New Year with success and peace in your life!"
24. Tha mi a’ guidhe bliadhna ùr làn chothroman is toileachas dhut!
Pronunciation: [Ha mee uh ghee-uh vlee-uh-nuh oohr lahn khoh-roh-muhn iss toh-luh-khuss ghut]
Meaning: "I wish you a New Year full of opportunities and happiness!"
25. Gun tèid gach dùrachd agad a choileanadh anns a’ bhliadhna ùr!
Pronunciation: [Goon chech gakh doo-ruhk ah-kut uh khoy-luh-nuh ahns uh vlee-uh-nuh oohr]
Meaning:"May all your wishes come true in the New Year!"
26. Gum bi gach là ùr a’ toirt beannachdan ùra dhut!
Pronunciation: [Goom bee gakh lah oohr uh tohrch byan-ak-tuhn oor-uh ghut]
Meaning:"May each new day bring you new blessings!"
27. Bliadhna Mhath Ùr le aoibhneas is beairteas dhut is do chàirdean!
Pronunciation: [Blee-uh-nuh Va Oohr leh ooyv-nyass iss berr-tyass ghut iss doh khahr-ten]
Meaning: "Happy New Year with joy and prosperity to you and your friends!"
28. Gum bi a’ bhliadhna ùr nas fheàrr na bha thu an dùil!
Pronunciation: [Goom bee uh vlee-uh-nuh oohr nuhs err nuh vah oo ahn dool]
Meaning:"May the New Year be even better than you expected!"
Understanding Gaelic to celebrate the New Year can be a fun way to learn about Scottish culture and traditions.
B. Happy New Year in Scottish Dialect
In addition to Gaelic, Scots often use English to communicate, especially among those who may need to speak Gaelic. A common way to wish someone a happy New Year in Scots is to say, "Happy New Year!". You might hear variations like "A Guid New Year!" in the Scots dialect. Pronounced Ah Gweed New Year, this phrase captures Hogmanay's warmth and community spirit.
Here are some other Happy New Year in Scottish dialect you can refer to:

29. "Wishing you a Happy New Year, laddie/lass!"
30. "Have a Sparkling New Year!"
31. "Here's to a braw New Year!"
32. "Here's to all the memories of last year!"
33. "Cheers to good health in the New Year!"
34. "May your New Year be filled with joy and cheer!"
35. "Happy New Year to all the folk!"
36. "May yer New Year be as bricht as the Highland skies!"
37. "As the New Year dawns, may yer dreams tak flight."

38. "A guid New Year tae ye and yers! May it bring ye joy an' plenty."
Meaning: "A good New Year to you and yours! May it bring you joy and abundance."
39. "Lang may yer lum reek this New Year!"
Meaning: "May your chimney smoke for a long time this New Year!"(A traditional blessing wishing long life and prosperity.)
40. "Here's tae a braw year, fu' o' guid health an' cheer."
Meaning: "Here's to a splendid year, full of good health and happiness."
41. "May yer New Year be aye as bricht as the bonniest day in spring."
Meaning: "May your New Year always be as bright as the loveliest day in spring."
42. "A toast tae ye and aw yer kin: may 2025 be grand!"
Meaning: "A toast to you and all your family: may 2025 be wonderful!"
43. "Dinnae let the bells ring in wi'oot a dram – here's tae a guid year!"
Meaning: "Don't let the bells ring in without a drink – here's to a good year!"
44. "May yer hoose be fu' o' laughter and yer heart be fu' o' love."
Meaning: "May your house be full of laughter and your heart full of love."
45. "A blithe New Year tae aw who ca' Scotland hame!"
Meaning: "A joyful New Year to all who call Scotland home!"
46. "May yer troubles be sma' and yer blessings be mony this New Year."
Meaning: "May your troubles be few and your blessings be many this New Year."
47. "Here's wishin' ye mair guid luck than auld Rabbie Burns himsel'!"
Meaning: "Here's wishing you more good luck than even old Robert Burns himself!"
48. "May ye hae a hearty Hogmanay an' a year o' plenty ahead."
Meaning: "May you have a joyful New Year's Eve and a year of abundance ahead."
49. "Guid times, guid folk, an' guid fortune tae ye aw in 2025."
Meaning: "Good times, good people, and good fortune to you all in 2025."
50. "May yer hearth be warm, yer belly fu', an' yer purse heavy."
Meaning: "May your hearth be warm, your belly full, and your wallet heavy."
51. "Here's tae a' the guid days comin' – Happy New Year tae ye!"
Meaning: "Here's to all the good days ahead – Happy New Year to you!"
52. "Let's mak the maist o' a fresh start – hae a guid yin!"
Meaning: "Let's make the most of a fresh start – have a good one!"
53. "May the winds o' fortune fill yer sails this New Year."
Meaning: "May the winds of fortune fill your sails this New Year."
54. "Raise a dram tae health, wealth, an' happiness in 2025!"
Meaning: "Raise a drink to health, wealth, and happiness in 2025!"
55. "A New Year's blessing frae the heart: lang life an' muckle love!"
Meaning: "A New Year's blessing from the heart: long life and great love!"
C. Local Dialects and Expressions: Happy New Year in Scottish
Scotland has a rich tapestry of dialects. Depending on where you are, you might hear different expressions:
In Glasgow:

56. "A Happy New Year tae ye!"
Meaning: "Happy New Year to you."
57. "A Happy New Year tae ye an' aw the best!"
Meaning: "Happy New Year to you and all the best!"
58. "Aw the best fur 2025 – hope it's a belter!"
Meaning: "All the best for 2025 – hope it's a great one!"
In Edinburgh:
59. "Here's tae a Guid New Year an' mony merrie days!"
Meaning: "Here's to a Good New Year and many merry days!"
60. "Happy Hogmanay tae aw! Let's mak it braw!"
Meaning: "Happy Hogmanay to all! Let's make it splendid!"
In Aberdeen:

61. "To a grand New Year, wee one!"
Meaning: "Wishing you a wonderful New Year, little one"
62. "A richt braw New Year tae ye an' yer faimily!"
Meaning: "A truly fine New Year to you and your family!"
63. "Foo's yer doos? Happy New Year tae ye!"
Meaning: "How are you? Happy New Year to you!"
In Dundee:

64. "Here's tae a Happy New Year an' nae mishaps!"
Meaning: "Here's to a Happy New Year and no troubles!"
65. "Aw the best fur 2025 – gie it laldy!"
Meaning: "All the best for 2025 – give it your all!"
66. "May yer New Year be chock-fu' o' guid luck an' nae bother!"
Meaning: "May your New Year be full of good luck and no trouble!"
In Inverness:
67. "A Happy New Year tae ye – slàinte mhòr an-dràsta!"
Meaning: "Happy New Year to you – great health now!"
68. "Here's tae a grand 2025, fu' o' cheer an' luck!"
Meaning: "Here's to a great 2025, full of cheer and luck!"
In Ayrshire:
69. "Aw the best tae ye an' yours in the comin' year!"
Meaning: "All the best to you and yours in the coming year!"
70. "Hae a Happy New Year an’ lang may yer lum reek!"
Meaning: "Have a Happy New Year and long may your chimney smoke!"
In Fife:

71. "A braw New Year to ye!"
Meaning: "Wishing you a splendid (or excellent) New Year!"
72. "Here's hopin' 2025 is fair chuffed wi' ye!"
Meaning: "Here's hoping 2025 is pleased with you!"
73. "A Happy New Year – let's hae a rare yin!"
Meaning: "Happy New Year – let's have a great one!"
In the Orkney Islands:

74. "A bonnie New Year to everyone!".
Meaning: "Wishing a beautiful and wonderful New Year to everyone!"
75. "Aw the best fur the New Year fae the heart o' Orkney!"
Meaning: "All the best for the New Year from the heart of Orkney!"
76. "Lang may yer lum reek an' yer hearth be warm!"
Meaning: "Long may your chimney smoke and your hearth be warm!"
77. In the Highlands: "A Guid New Year tae ye' n' yours!"
78. The Lowland Scots: "Here's to a fine year ahead!"
In Shetland:
79. "A guid Hogmanay tae aw, an' a Happy New Year efter!"
Meaning: "A good New Year's Eve to all, and a Happy New Year after!"
80. "May the seas o' fortune bring ye guid cheer in 2025!"
Meaning: "May the seas of fortune bring you good cheer in 2025!"
🎁 Want to make your Hogmanay special? Discover traditional Scottish New Year's gift ideas for this Hogmanay!
Embrace the Spirit of Hogmanay with Language and Culture!
Frequently Asked Questions
What does "Bliadhna Mhath Ùr" mean?
"Bliadhna Mhath Ùr" translates to "Good New Year" in Scottish Gaelic, representing a warm wish for the year ahead.
What song is traditionally sung at midnight during Hogmanay?
"Auld Lang Syne," a Scottish folk song written by Robert Burns, is traditionally sung at midnight to reflect on old friendships and shared memories.
What's the Difference Between Scottish Gaelic and Scots?
Gaelic is an ancient Celtic language, while Scots is a Germanic language closely related to English.
What Are Other Common Phrases Used During Hogmanay?
Phrases like Slàinte Mhath and A guid New Year are popular additions to New Year greetings.